We would like to announce the Parish Council results from the election that was held on the 15th to 22nd of June, 2014.
We received 414 elections ballots and of those 62 were not valid. The Parish has completed the election by the majority vote.
The Parish Council consist of (in alphabetical order by first name):
Sogneprest (leder), Dilani Rehana Maginaarachchi, Leonie Leonen Gelacio, Limalanathan Shanmuganathan, Magdalena RaczkowsskiMai Doan Ban Mai, Nathan Christopher, Piotr Palma, Renate Marie Glomset Eriksen, Valerie Håkonsen
Substitute Members:
Affa Girmay , Tien Thuy Le
Appointed by the pastor:
Juwachim Reginold, fast
In addition to the Council members, members for the youth organization (St. Jo, Alter Servers, and Tuk (Tamilian Youth Catholics) will also be invited to attend the meetings. These delegates from these groups will be able to speak but not vote. All the chaplans of the parish will also be asked to attend the meetings.
Dates for for Parish Council:
2014: 11/09 (constitution and election of mayor), 13/11.
2015: 15/01, 16/04, 21/05 og 18/06.
Election Committee:
Juwachim Reginold, Cindy S.C Cho, Joyce Ross Hemminghytt, Benjamin Naceno, Ofelia Naceno, Fredrique Theosophe
The next election will be in 2016 where 1/3 of the members will be replaced. Election Committee effect repealed on Tuesday the 24th of June.